Handy Fishing Knots
Improved Clinch Knot - For joining leader to your flies, hooks or spinners
Probably the first knot we as fishermen ever learn to use. Start by threading the tippet through the eye of the hook, leaving a few inches to complete the knot. Wrap the tag end around the standing line four to six times. Use four turns for very heavy line, and six turns for very thin line. Bring the tag end over to the hook, and insert it through the first loop made in front of the hook eye as shown. Now insert the tag end through the loop created in the previous step as shown. Begin snugging the knot by pulling on the standing line. You may pull slightly on the tag end to eliminate any slack, but do not tighten the knot this way. Once you have the knot snug, lubricate it and tighten further by pulling on the standing line only. Now trim the tag end.

Blood Knot - used to form droppers or join two lines together
1) Lie the ends of the two lines against each other, over- lapping about six inches.
2) Take 5 turns around one line with the end of the other, and bring the end back where it's held between the two lines.
3) Repeat by taking 5 turns around the other line, bringing the end back between the two lines. These two ends should then project in opposite directions.
4) Work the knot up into loops, taking care that the two ends do not slip out of position.
5) Lubricate and draw the knot up tightly. Leave one tag end as long as required to use as your dropper.

Hangmans Knot - used to attach your leader to your hooks, spinners and flies
This is my favorite way of attaching my leader to my hooks and can easily be done at night with no need to be able to see the knot whilst you tie it and is incredibly strong. Thread 8 inches of line through the eye. Bring the end back on itself, passing it under the doubled part. Make five loops over the doubled part. The knot is then worked into shape. Lubricate and slide the knot down the line, against the eye of the hook or swivel. The "standard" Hangman's Knot holds only five turns when tied in monofilament nylon.